4 Ways Technology Is Supporting Long-Term Care Pharmacies
Technological advances in seemingly every industry have ushered in a level of convenience that many professionals and consumers never knew they needed. Beyond convenience, technology also creates valuable efficiencies, saving …
How Long-Term Care Pharmacists Promote Medication Safety
Long-term care pharmacists not only have a responsibility to properly dispense medication, but they also have a responsibility to overall patient safety. While working to meet the medication needs of …
Safety First: Protocols For Dispensing Medications Properly
Safety protocols loom large in the day-to-day work pharmacists conduct. From personal safety to medication storage to safely dispensing prescribed medication, pharmacists are acutely aware of the importance of workplace …
6 Things To Know About Flu Season
Flu season is coming. As predictable as changing leaves in the fall and Halloween candy on store shelves in September, the flu is a perennial adversary that keeps doctors, pharmacies, …
The Critical Functions of a Long-Term Care Pharmacist
Long-term care looks different in different settings. Most people, when they think of a long-term care facility, think of an assisted living home or something similar. And that would be …